Advanced level

The course gives an overall vision of the art of lighting and its related functions, from a technical and stylistic point of view. Students will be led through the theory and practice of the light design field developing a personal design language. The final project will consist in a new light system applied to an interior design case history.


  • Acquire the principles of a correct evaluation related to the lighting system
  • Develop a final project consisting in a new light system applied to an interior design case history
  • Develop a personal design language conform to the visual task requirements


This course is intended for final year university students or those with some initial work experience in the field willing to explore new opportunities combining strategy and creativity.

Area: Design 

Crediti: 3 ECTS 

Sessione 3: 23 Luglio - 2 agosto 2024

Durata: 2 settimane

Lingue: Inglese

Campus: Milano

Tuition fees: 
€ 1.795 for a 2-week session
€ 2.995 for a 4-week session
€ 4.195 for a 6-week session

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