Academic Year 2025/26
If the student (and his/her family) has been resident in a country belonging to the European Union for at least 3 years and the income is produced within the European Union, the fee can be adjusted to the economic and asset conditions of the student’s original and de facto family. Students who do not fulfil all the requirements or do no stick to the submission deadlines in order to access the reduced fee brackets, will be automatically assigned to the highest income bracket. Please notice that the final confirmation of the income bracket assignment will be communicated by the Administration upon evaluation of the fiscal documents provided.
The fee, consisting of the following items: Pre-Enrolment Fee, Academic Contribution Fee and Tuition Fee, starting from the second academic year after the signing of the enrolment application, shall be increased at a fixed and pre-determined rate of 2% and starting from the third academic year after the signing of the enrolment application at the rate of 2.5%. Please notice that the final confirmation of the income bracket assignment will be communicated by the Administration upon evaluation of the fiscal documents provided.
For students who enrol in one of the Bachelor of Arts Degree/Diploma Programme – Academic Year 2025/26 the tuition fee per academic year (corresponding to the 6th income bracket) amounts as follows:
Programme | Tuition fee per academic year (regional tax included) | |
Bachelor of Arts (BA) | € 21.600,00 | |
Diploma Programme | € 21.600,00 |
Payment methods
NABA has partnered with Flywire in order to streamline the process of international payments.
Flywire allows you to pay securely from any country and any bank, typically in your home currency.
If you make your payment with Flywire, you can:
- Track your payments from start to finish.
- Save on bank fee and exchange rates.
- Contact Flywire’s multilingual customer support team with any questions, day or night.
Account holder: Nuova Accademia srl,
Via C. Darwin 20, 20143 Milano, Italy
Bank name and agency: Intesa Sanpaolo - Via Marconi ang. Piazza Diaz - Milano
International bank details
IBAN: IT86 A030 6901 6291 0000 0076 088
Reason for payment: Important! Clearly state the student’s name and the programme chosen.
Visit to begin the payment process
Visit this link: Online application
Note that you can use this method for paying the application fee only—not for paying tuition.
Scholarships and Financial Aid
NABA is proud to support talented prospective BA students with scholarship opportunities and financial aid.
To attract and encourage outstanding students, NABA offers scholarships to partially cover the tuition fee for students of the undergraduate programmes.
NABA offers financial aid consisting of a partial reduction of the tuition fee, to deserving students who have financial constraints.
Requests will be evaluated based on the student’s academic merit combined with the student’s financial situation. In order to apply for financial aid, students must first meet enrollment requirements for their programme of interest. Students are requested to:
Requests will be reviewed by the Financial Aid Board at the end of each month. Students will receive an official communication from the NABA International Admissions Department informing them of the Board’s decision.
RIGHT TO UNIVERSITY EDUCATION (RUE) - Regional Law of Lombardy no. 33
(Diritto allo Studio Universitario - DSU)
The expression “Diritto allo Studio” includes all the actions taken by NABA to provide equal access to university studies as foreseen by the Lombardy regional law n. 33, December 13, 2004.
The benefits are awarded through a competition held annually on the basis of both specific financial and merit requirements.
DSU Call a.y. 2025/26
Application Requirements and Regulations for the a.y. 2025/26 scholarships will be available by the end of July 2025.
The DSU opportunity is reserved only to the students enrolled in the 3-year Bachelor of Arts and 2-year Master of Arts Degree Programmes.
Before submitting your application, please verify that you meet the general entry requirements (both merit and income*).
*The financial situation of foreign students with family living abroad without income and assets in Italy is assessed according to the ISEE (the reported equivalent financial situation indicator abroad), on income earned in 2023 and the value of movable and immovable assets owned as at 31st December 2023 by the student’s family.
Assessment of status relating to income and assets of foreign students with their family residing abroad
NABA DSU Office will determine the equivalent ISEE for foreign students having family residing abroad without income and assets in Italy. No other ISEE indices calculated by other institutions will be accepted.
In order to do that, students must produce all the following documents:
If, during 2023, one or more family members of 18 years of age or over, did not earn any income, the same is nevertheless required to submit a declaration to that effect;
These documents must be according to Regulations:
Foreign students are nevertheless required to declare the presence of any income and assets held in Italy by their family.
Self-certifications are not in line with the DSU Regulations and therefore are not accepted.
For information:
DSU Office - Building C, second floor
Opening hours (on appointment):
Wednesday from 12.00 pm to 1.00 pm / Thursday from 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm
Relevant documentation a.y. 2024/2025
You can find here below information regarding the process (ref. a.y. 2024/25). Please note that each year the regulation may change