After your admission is confirmed, you must secure your place. Fill in and sign the enrolment form and send it to NABA, along with your receipt for payment of the pre-enrolment fee, within 20 days from the date of the admission letter.
Students are required to provide NABA with the following documents:
- First-cycle university degree duly furnished with legalisation* and official translation into Italian**;
- Academic transcripts of all exams passed duly furnished with legalisation* and official translation into Italian**
- Students who provide a DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT issued by their university in accordance with the standards established by the European Commission, the Council of Europe and UNESCO-CEPES do not have to submit university transcripts, if they are already included in the diploma supplement.
- passport-size photograph for your student card
- valid residence permit or copy of the receipt issued by the Italian Post Offices upon applying for a residence permit (NON EU STUDENTS)
- fiscal code (if already obtained)
*Legalization/Verification Certificate
The legalization is necessary to guarantee a document authenticity. Documents should be legalized in the country whose educational system the title refers to*. You should therefore verify which is the authority responsible for the legalization.
If the country where the qualification was obtained has adhered to the Hague Convention (5 October, 1961), the so-called Hague Apostille can be applied to the title itself.
The legalization is not needed in case the title is obtained in one of the following countries and refers to the National education system of the same country: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, , Ireland. The European Bac does not need the legalization too.
*If, for example, you studied in Poland but your University title refers to the US education system, you should ask for the legalization of the title in the US.
Instead of the legalization. Students can ask for the CIMEA Verification Ceirtificate here:
Through the Verification service it is possible to ask CIMEA to certify that an Italian or foreign qualification of the Higher Education or secondary school system has actually been issued to the owner by an official body in the system of reference.
Besides the legalization, you need to provide NABA with an official and certified translation of your high school diploma too. The translation is accepted both in Italian and English language.
Translation into Italian language of the student’s Diploma and transcripts is not needed when official documents are written in one of the following languages: Italian, English, French, or Spanish.
CIMEA Statement of Comparability
In case NABA needs some closure on student’s High School Diploma for the equivalence of the qualification, NABA will require students to provide the CIMEA Statement of Comparability issued by the Italian Enic-Naric Centre.
Please note that in case the Statement of Comparability is needed, we clearly specify it in the admission letter.