NABA gladly announces its participation to Premio Nazionale delle Arti – Design section, the annual initiative promoted by the MUR, for young design students focusing on innovation in Italy.
NABA is part of the twelve institutions being part of the call to promote their students’ work, created based on the theme of this 15th edition: “Sustainable and innovative Design that considers the environmental emergency, the availability of resources in respect of cultural diversity a priority".
In fact, on September 14th the virtual exhibition in augmented reality, available until September 24th inaugurated on institutional web platforms. September 20th saw the opening and inauguration of the physical exhibition at Isia Design Pescara, including the selected projects of NABA students from the Communication and Graphic Design, Design and Media Design and New Technologies Areas: " Tre Miglia”by Matteo Brasili; “Borgomezzavalle: il paese degli specchi” by Miriam Re Cecconia and Nicole Eleonora Pizzi; Emmanuel Ektipah Bay's "La vita sott’acqua"; "Rare, Medium or?" by Sanjana Kadam; “Plastiglomerate” by Giovanni Tortora; "Re Boe" by Filippo Zonno. On September 24th, the eight winners will be awarded, in an event available in streaming on the ISIA Pescara channels.