NABA is a legally recognised institution belonging to the Higher Artistic and Musical Education system (AFAM - Alta Formazione Artistica, Musicale e Coreutica), a division under the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR).
NABA Bachelor of Arts Degree Programs [Diploma Accademico di 1° Livello], Master of Arts Degree Programs [Diploma Accademico di 2° Livello], and 1st Level Master Programs [Master di 1° Livello] are accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR).
Therefore, the relevant credits and academic qualifications have legal value and enable students to pursue their studies at Italian and foreign academies and universities.
The full list of ministerial accreditation awarded to NABA programs can be viewed on the Academy’s website under the relevant accreditation section.
NABA Bachelor of Arts Degree Programs, Master of Arts Degree Programs and 1st Level Master Programs are taught both in English and Italian. Three-year Bachelor of Arts Degree Programs and one-year 1st level Master Programs start in the 1st semester only. Two-year Master of Arts Degree Programs start both in the 1st and 2nd semester, as follows:
Pre-registration with Italian Diplomatic Representatives is required only for
- Bachelor of Arts Degree Programs [Diploma Accademico di 1° Livello],
- Master of Arts Degree Programs [Diploma Accademico di 2° Livello],
Pre-registration is not required for 1st level Master programs lasting one year.
ADMISSIONS TEST: Admissions tests are conducted in a completely remote manner, therefore students are not required to take an examination in Italy. Students may not have completed this process at the time of pre-registration, but before leaving their country of origin they will be in possession of an acceptance letter and a subsequent enrolment certificate indicating the type of course, teaching language and duration.
Enrolment certificates for Bachelor of Arts Degree Programs [Diploma Accademico di 1° Livello] and Master of Arts Degree Programs [Diploma Accademico di 2° Livello] also include a pre-evaluation of the academic eligibility of applicants’ titles.
LANGUAGE TESTS: Students who are unable to provide a language certificate within the established deadlines are tested at NABA campus. Language tests take place concurrently with the start of courses (end of September for courses starting in the first semester and end of February for courses starting in the 2nd semester). Details on the examination are provided to all students by e-mail to the address provided during the application phase.
Students who might not fully meet the language requirements of the Academy will be accepted with additional learning obligations (Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi - OFA). The language gap is to be closed during the first year of the course through the attendance of on-campus remedial courses. Italian and English language remedial courses are compulsory, free-of-charge and take place at the Academy’s Language Centre. For further details, please refer to the section 5: Language Certifications and Tests.
CONTACT INFORMATION FOR DIPLOMATIC REPRESENTATIVES: for any information required and to send the lists of pre-registered candidates, please refer to the international admissions office that can be contacted at the following:
NABA International Admissions Office
Via C. Darwin 20, 20143 Milano
Email pec: