The Global Contemporary Changing Models - In collaboration with Artissima

NABA launches the competition “The Global Contemporary Changing Models”, the best 3 projects will receive a scholarship for the Academic Master in Contemporary Art Markets starting in September 2020.


As part of the competition, candidates are invited to figure themselves as entrepreneurs in the contemporary art world, imagining a specific business model or a small start-up in the contemporary cultural world.

The contemporary art system in its complexity is a faithful mirror of the transformations of today’s society and its markets, registering the radical transformations in the means of production and consumption of culture in this recent decade.
Each actor in the contemporary art world as well as all activities operate from a specific point of view. In all transformations models as well as reference points for galleries, art-fairs, auction-houses, foundations, magazines, no-profit spaces as well as museums are changing. New cultural start-ups in order to be successful have to focus on key elements: a specific identity, a long term relationship with local and international actors of the art market, an intuition on the possible evolutions of the contemporary art context.

International art exhibitions, like Documenta in Kassel or the Venice Biennials are financed by private patrons or commercial galleries; international art-fairs like Art Basel, Frieze or Artissima are becoming international cultural festivals; collectors with private foundations act as museum directors; auction-houses develop private sales with guaranteed prices; art galleries that have become multinationals and no-profit spaces are open to the exchanges of the art market and are transforming the rules in which the art world develops, making new models of business necessary.


The best 3 projects will be awarded a scholarship for partial coverage of the tuition fee to attend the Academic Master in Contemporary Art Markets starting in September 2020.

  • 1st prize: 1 scholarship covering 50% of the tuition fee to attend the Academic Master
  • 2nd prize: 1 scholarship covering 40% of the tuition fee to attend the Academic Master
  • 3rd prize: 1 scholarship covering 30% of the tuition fee to attend the Academic Master


April 24th 2020 is the deadline for submitting complete application documents and competition project.


DOWNLOAD the scholarship competition announcement.

Errata Corrige for candidates: please note that for this competition, there is no need to submit personal portfolio of works and projects as previously indicated. The announcement has been updated removing this information.


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