The Programme: overview

The MA in User Experience Design (Second Level Academic Degree in Communication Design) provides the theoretical, technical and methodological skills for the design of complex digital communication systems. Through a continuous synthesis between creativity and strategy, and with an analytical and systemic approach to design that refers to cognitive psychology and contemporary visual culture, the MA deals with the study and design of digital interfaces and has a focus on user experience (UX/UI) as well as on information architecture.

Learning Objectives:

Over the MA, students will have the opportunity to:          

  • Identify the potential offered by new technologies as well as the impact of the interaction between men and information technology systems, also trying to understand their influence on communication processes
  • Searching and analyse the necessary information to devise effective creative solutions and develop contemporary languages and visual styles, that are also suited to the technological context
  • To organise and manage complex design projects integrating the experience, branding, design and usability aspects of digital products or online services, in order to efficiently fulfil the content management goals


The Master of Arts allows students to deepen their knowledge and skills through specialised and highly advanced studies and to acquire the instruments necessary to project complex digital communication systems, through a practical workshop approach.

Through the analysis of the fundamental elements of user experience and user interface for digital interfaces design (websites, apps, digital publishing, internet of things), as well as thanks to interdisciplinary activities and field experiences, students have the opportunity to confront the professional context, experiencing new creative and operational models which will support them in the development of a sound professional and project profile.



Introduces students to the visual communication project methodology in the field of graphic and branding and provide the basic knowledge of project management, from economic-financial aspects to marketing, from research to briefing, through advanced studies in project methodology, art direction, phenomenology of contemporary arts.

Through workshop experiences and theoretical lectures, students deal with integrated marketing communication projects, acquire a sound understanding of media methodologies and develope contemporary visual languages and styles suitable for the technological context.




Enables students to specialise in the field of new digital communication systems through advanced studies in project methodology of visual communication, interface design, interaction design, digital marketing, social media strategy, business modelling.

Exploring the creative possibilities offered by the contemporary technologies, and through the first-hand experience in the production of digital interfaces, students acquire an aware methodological approach to successfully manage multiple variables and skills necessary to develop UX/UI complex projects.

The different project experiences, the participation in international contests, the design of digital systems for valorisation and communication of both public and private cultural heritage enable students to acquire knowledge and skills suitable for professional career.

Department: Design and Applied Arts

Area: Communication and Graphic Design

Title Awarded: Second Level Academic Degree in Communication Design

Credits: 120 CFA

Starting: October 2025 - February 2026

Duration: 2 years

Languages: Italian and English

Campus: Milan and Rome

Our Faculty

Design and Applied Arts Department Head

Luca Poncellini

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Design and Applied Arts Department Head

Luca Poncellini

Design and Applied Arts Department Head

Luca Poncellini is an architect and a designer with a PhD in the History of Architecture and City Planning. As a partner in the architecture office Cliostraat until 2009, he has curated projects and has lectured in Italy and in several countries throughout the world. His works have been exhibited at the Venice Biennale, at the Van Alen Institute in New York, at ETH in Zürich, at MAGA in Gallarate and at Triennale Milano. In 2008 he co-curated the retrospective exhibition Laszlo Hudec, in collaboration with the Hungarian Consulate in Shanghai. Since 2013 he has been the Course Leader of the MA in Interior Design. Between 2015 and 2019 directed the research lab and the project C-Park. Since 2019 he has been Design and Applied Arts Department Head.

Communication and Graphic Design Area Leader

Patrizia Moschella

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Communication and Graphic Design Area Leader

Patrizia Moschella

Sociologist of Cultural Processes, she graduated at Università Statale di Milano and has a PhD in Philosophy of Knowledge from the Planetary Collegium, Plymouth University (UK). She has collaborated with international research institutes (Università Statale di Milano, Eurisko, Doxa, RQ Qualitative Research, Synergia) and she participate in several interdisciplinary and interuniversity platforms for socio-cultural communication projects in collaboration with associations and institutions (Libera, Assessorato alle politiche sociali di Milano). Among her most recent publications: “Genealogia e Università. Profezia, Scenario, Utopia”, in A. Bianchi, G. Leghissa (edited by), Mondi altri (Mimesis, 2016). She has collaborated since 2004 with NABA, where she directs the Communication and Graphic Design Area and the BA in Graphic Design and Art, and she teaches Methodology of Research, Sociology of Cultural Processes and Future Scenarios (Brand Design specialisation).

Master of Arts in User Experience Design Course Leader

Fabio Pelagalli

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Master of Arts in User Experience Design Course Leader

Fabio Pelagalli

With a degree in Communication Sciences from the University of Trieste, Fabio Pelagalli attended the Master in Digital Environment Design at NABA. He has been working at NABA since 2010, first as Academic Coordinator of NABA Communication and Graphic Design Area, then as Course Leader of the Academic Master in Creative Advertising. He has taught Software Art and Interactive System and Design Thinking at academic levels.

Masters of Arts in User Experience Design Course Leader - Rome

Serena Ciriello

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Masters of Arts in User Experience Design Course Leader - Rome

Serena Ciriello

She arrives in communication after various experiences, including a Master in Buying Management at Polimoda in Florence and a Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures. Initially Copywriter, she specializes in strategic thinking. Works in agencies such as Ogilvy, in international contexts such as Spark44 Frankfurt and in independent studios such as Humus Design, where is Brand & Verbal Identity Strategist since 2018. She has been teaching at NABA Campus in Rome since 2019.

NABA Communication and Graphic Design Advisor

Angelo Colella

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NABA Communication and Graphic Design Advisor

Angelo Colella

Graphic and Type Designer, he worked on art and design exhibitions with Gianni Colombo, Emilio Isgrò, Lucio Del Pezzo, Gabriele Basilico, Marcello Morandini, and Christoph Broadbent. He designed and coordinated brand identity for many companies as Fiam Italia, Gualtiero Marchesi, Société Genéralé, PPG Univer, Archema, Poliform, he also was the responsible of the Prague International Marathon image and Czech Federation Basketball image. He worked as Creative Design Director for important international companies as Publicis, Republic Lab, Ebs Design, Arnold World Wide (Havas Group), Milano AD (Carpe Diem Group). He is associated with ADI PDA and Type Director Club of New York. He collaborated with NABA since the Academy foundation, at first as lecturer of Graphic Design, then as Director of Communication and Graphic Design Department.

Study abroad programmes

NABA provides students with the opportunity to study abroad as part of their academic experience.
NABA Academic Coordination Office, in charge for the management of the exchange programmes, supports students in taking advantage of the international study opportunities through exchange programmes and promoting educational experiences thanks to a network including numerous prestigious international partner universities.
NABA counts more than 70 cooperation agreements with academies and universities through the Erasmus+ Programme in Europe and others international cooperation agreements with several universities outside Europe.

Companies and institutions placement

NABA has developed strong relationships with leading companies that provide internships for NABA students, including Young & Rubicam, Ogilvy & Mather, Havas Worldwide, Leagas Delaney, Edizioni Condé Nast, Independent Ideas, Milano Venture Company, Provincia di Milano, Armando Testa, Carmi e Ubertis, Publicis, Upim, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Editrice Abitare Segesta, Lowe Pirella, McCann Erickson, McCann Erickson Italia, Saatchi & Saatchi, Velvet, Gruppo Editoriale L’Espresso, Il Sole 24 Ore, Lumen, Monster Italia, Publikompass, Comune di Milano, Harrods, Jannuzzi Smith, Emergency, Berlucchi Service, Leo Burnett, Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore, TBWA Italia, J. Walter Thompson, and Hearst Magazines.


The Communication and Graphic Design Area cooperates or has cooperated with: Art Directors Club Italiano, Berlucchi, CosmoProf, Diesel, Ferrero, Fiera Milano International, Good 50x70 Association, Jacuzzi, Leo Burnett, Martini, McCann Erickson, Procter & Gamble, Regione Lombardia, Roberta di Camerino, SCF, Smartbox, and Start Milano.


After the Master of Arts

Continue your academic career: Academic Master in Creative Advertising

Kick-off your career. Among the career opportunities:

  • Web designer
  • UX/UI designer
  • Interface designer
  • Experience designer
  • Interaction designer
  • User experience lead
  • Digital director
  • UX/UI researcher
  • Information architect
  • Content strategist