Feminist transmissions, auto narration, collective and individual selves, oral herstory, reciprocity, and the politics and ethics of listening and speech: Rome campus students of the MA in Visual Arts and Curatorial Studies explore the narratives and the potentialities related to feminist collective practices. "Listening and Narrating Selves: on self-narration within relational contexts" shares the reflections born within the seminar with Giulia Damiani (artist, writer, researcher and curator), Gabrielle Moser (art historian, writer and independent curator) and Helena Reckitt (curator, lecturer and academic editor). The public talk will take place at the NABA Rome campus on April 20, with the introduction and moderation of Fulvia Carnevale (NABA lecturer).

"Listening and Narrating Selves": event information

Room 0.01, Rome Campus, via Ostiense, 92

Thursday, April 20, from 6:00 PM

Free entrance.

"Listening and Narrating Selves": concept

The public talk by NABA students is the last step of a seminar that will be held on April 19 and 20. Such a didactic experience will start by listening to the interviews conducted by Giulia Damiani, Gabrielle Moser and Helena Reckitt in 2022, where they meet some women's movement members. The seminar will focus on the curatorial research project "Transmitting Feminisms", which aims to create an international network that records the experiences and voices of feminisms in order to amplify its lesser-known aspects and think through how oral her stories may sustain current collective endeavours. The public talk is a moment of restitution in which lecturers and students can share with the audience their reflections on this wide-ranging discussion of collective feminist practices.