From 28 February to 2 March, NABA, in collaboration with Meltemi Editore, took part in Florence’s publishing fair within Pitti Immagine, “TESTO [Come si diventa un libro] 2025” (Stazione Leopolda, Viale Fratelli Rosselli 5, Florence). This event provided the opportunity to present the editorial project of the Geoarchivi series, developed through a collaboration with Meltemi Editore as the outcome of extensive research conducted over several years within the Academy’s Visual Arts Area, particularly within the MA in Visual Arts and Curatorial Studies.

The series includes a selection of titles that advocate for a decentralisation of artistic studies from aesthetics, in favour of their multiple intersections with gender, politics, cultures, and technologies. 

Talks for the presentation of the Geoarchivi book “Il museo come campo di battaglia” by Françoise Vergès 

As part of “TESTO [Come si diventa un libro] 2025”, on 2 March at 10:00 AM in Sala Ginsburg, Marco Scotini (NABA Visual Arts Department Head) introduced a talk dedicated to the first Italian presentation of the book “Il museo come campo di battaglia. Un programma di disordine assoluto contro il museo universale e coloniale in an online dialogue with the author Françoise Vergès (Meltemi EditoreGeoarchivi series). The discussion also featured Nadeesha Uyangoda. 

In the book “Il museo come campo di battaglia. Un programma di disordine assoluto contro il museo universale e coloniale”, by retracing the history of the Louvre, discussing the dead ends of the representation of slavery, and examining the failed attempts to subvert the museum as an institution, Françoise Vergès outlines a radical vision: decolonising the museum means implementing a “programme of absolute disorder”, inventing new ways of perceiving the human and non-human world that nurture collective creativity and restore justice and dignity to the populations that have been dispossessed.