"POP! Abitare, voce del verbo Popolare" tells stories, projects, desires and visions from the city of Milan's suburban neighbourhoods. The Academy's magazine is part of the ADI Design Index 2022 edition. It and a related video are among the selected works, research and design products on show at the ADI Design Museum in Milan until November 27. The exhibition will take place once again in Rome at the Istituto Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, from December 13 to 18. Here, during the opening on December 12, the 2022 ADI Design Index Innovation Award winners will be announced. Below is information about POP! and the exhibitions in Milan and Rome.

POP!: NABA's magazine

"POP! Abitare, voce del verbo Popolare" narrates some of the initiatives born from the meeting between the Academy's students and the inhabitants of Milan's council houses. The editorial project - in the third edition now - comes from the collaboration with MM. Over time, it took part in national and international events dedicated to new urban scenarios. The magazine distribution is free for social housing residents in the City of Milan.

POP! and the ADI Design Index exhibitions: event information


ADI Design Index exhibition in Milan

ADI Design Museum, Piazza Compasso d'Oro, 1

The exhibition is open from November 14 to 27, from 10:30 AM to 8:00 PM (except on Monday)

Visits are subject to the ticket.

ADI Design Index Exhibition in Rome

Istituto Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, Piazza della Enciclopedia Italiana, 4

Opening: December 12

The exhibition is open from December 13 to 18, from 9:00 AM to 7:30 PM (except on Sunday)

Opening and visits are free, subject to reservation.

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