NABA’s Milan Campus will take part in Milano Green Week 2024, a widespread series of grassroots events taking place from September 26 to 29, highlighting the commitment of citizens, associations, and organisations who work every day to create a Milan focused on environmental issues, green spaces, and the well-being of its people. The event will feature workshops, conferences, exhibitions, walks, labs for children and adults, and performances.

On September 27, the Academy will take part in the event with the Design for Sustainable Innovationday, which includes the Tra ombra e vento” walk, starting from Parco Baravalle (Via O. Tabacchi, Milan), along with a conference and an exhibition at NABA Milan Campus (Via C. Darwin 20). This day offers a significant opportunity to showcase the ongoing design research for a more sustainable future conducted by NABA students from the BA in Graphic Design and Art Direction, the BA in Design, and the MA in Sustainable Innovation Communication.


NABA participates in Milano Green Week 2024: the “Tra ombra e vento” walk

On September 27, from 2:00 to 4:30 PM, the pedagogical walk Tra ombra e vento, organised by NABA, will take place. Starting at Parco Baravalle, the walk will reconstruct part of the route of the future Parco del Cammino and will conclude within the NABA Milan Campus after passing through Parco Segantini. The Parco del Cammino, to be designed by students from NABA’s Communication and Graphic Design and Design Areas, is an initiative aimed at improving urban mobility, reducing pollution, and promoting citizen well-being by connecting Milan’s Municipalities 5 and 6 through a green corridor.


Patrizia Moschella (NABA Communication and Graphic Design Area Leader), Luca Giulio Ferreccio (NABA lecturer), Germana De Michelis (NABA BA in Design Course Leader), Natale Carpellese (Presidente Municipio 5), Massimo Mulinacci (Presidente Consiglio Municipio 5), Lucia Cavallo (Assessore Verde e Ambiente), Santo Minniti (Presidente Municipio Municipio 6), and Fabrizio Delfini (Assessore Sostenibilità Urbana, Mobilità, Verde e Tutela Animali, Urbanistica, Commercio, Turismo, Sicurezza) will accompany participants, including primary school students and local citizens, along the park’s route. During the walk, municipal representatives and Guardie Ecologiche Volontarie (GEV) will explain the park’s natural and historical-cultural resources.


NABA participates in Milano Green Week 2024: the conference and the exhibition

Also on September 27, from 4:30 PM to 6:15 PM, NABA will conclude the “Design for Sustainable Innovation” day at its Milan Campus with a conference and an exhibition in Room T 0.0. The conference will focus on the topic of Nature-Based Solutions, of which the Parco del Cammino is an example, and will be introduced by Elena Eva Maria Grandi (Assessora all'Ambiente e Verde, Comune di Milano), who will outline the project and its environmental significance for future urban developments. Alongside Annalisa Bottoni (NABA Sustainability Commission President and Academic Affairs Senior Manager), the Municipal Presidents and City Council Representative for Green Areas will discuss sustainable and environmental actions, implemented or in progress, carried out on the territory in collaboration with the Academy. Experts in Nature-Based Solutions, Luca Poncellini (NABA Design and Applied Arts Department Head) and Grazia Francescato (Europarlamentare Verdi, Journalist, and Activist) will also contribute to the discussion.

Additionally, during the conference, Patrizia Moschella and Germana De Michelis, with the participation of Luca Giulio Ferreccio and Samuel Mathias Zitelli (NABA BA in Graphic Design and Art Direction Course Leader), will present the brief for the Parco del Cammino project as part of the ongoing educational focus on environmental themes.

Following the conference, starting at 6:15 PM, it will be possible to visit the exhibition in Room T 0.0 at the Campus, showcasing several projects dedicated to ecological, social, and environmental sustainability. These projects were created by students from NABA’s Communication and Graphic Design Area, particularly from the MA in Sustainable Innovation Communication, whose students are also behind the awareness campaign aimed at NABA’s internal community, highlighting the sustainable activities initiated both on Campus and in the surrounding area.


On this occasion, Vincenzo Cuccia (NABA Media Design and New Technologies and Set Design Area Leader) will present the documentary produced by his students on the storm that hit Milan in July 2023.


Additionally, visitors will have the opportunity to tour our Design Laboratories, guided by Carmelo Zocco (NABA Design Laboratory Manager), and Orto Tintorio (link), which will be introduced by Luca Belotti (NABA MAs and Academic Masters in the Fashion Design Area Course Leader). These two spaces are dedicated to educational activities focused on developing projects prioritising ecological sustainability.


NABA participates in Milano Green Week 2024: details of the "Design for Sustainable Innovation" day


Friday, September 27, from 2:00 PM


“Tra ombra e vento” walk

From 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM

Baravalle Park

Via O. Tabacchi, Milan

Free participation


"Design for Sustainable Innovation” conference

From 4:30 PM to 6:10 PM

NABA Milan Campus – Room T 0.0

Via C. Darwin 20

Free entrance


"Design for Sustainable Innovation" exhibition

From 6:15 PM to 8:00 PM

NABA Milan Campus – Room T 0.0

Via C. Darwin 20

Free entrance