On November 23, 2023, at 6 PM, in Classroom 0.01, a new talk will enliven the NABA Campus in Rome. Art historian, curator, and NABA lecturer Valentina Tanni will introduce her latest book, published by NERO Editions, titled “Exit Reality”: a whirlwind of digital marvels and surreal visions that transport the reader on a psychedelic journey where pixels dance and codes transform into canvases of alternate realities, dominated by an enchanted language. In this work, Tanni blurs the boundaries between the human and the digital, opening doors to new and uncharted worlds. “Exit Reality” represents a pioneering attempt to map a world imbued with disconcerting hallucinatory qualities, appearing to us as a parallel planet emerged from the galaxies of code-space, the realm of so-called “internet aesthetics.” Starting with the advent of vaporwave in the early 2010s, which infused the native web imagery with ghostly qualities, Valentina Tanni guides us on a descent through levels that encompass the silent horror of backrooms, brushes the obsession for sensory stimulation in ASMR, traverses the algorithmic surrealism of weirdcore, and culminates in the pseudomagical practices of reality shifting and memetic rituals.


The talk, moderated by Fabio Capalbo (Course Advisor Leader of the BA in Film and Animation of Rome campus), will feature Priscilla De Pace, author and researcher in Environmental Humanities who writes for various cultural magazines in print and online.


NABA Talk with Valentina Tanni


Thursday, November 23

6:00 PM - Classroom 0.01

NABA Campus, Via Ostiense 92, Rome

Free entrance.