Scientific culture and design merge together on the occasion of "Seeds of Art" - the opening event of the project "Iter in natura urbis" by Rome campus students of the BA in Graphic Design and Art Direction. Twenty-three figures depicting those plants that sequestrate CO2 from the atmosphere will be on show on May 13. The project was born from the collaboration between the Academy and the Botanic Garden Museum of Rome, Polo Museale Sapienza. Below is information on the exhibition in Rome. 

"Seeds of Art": event information  

Botanic Garden Museum of Rome, Polo Museale Sapienza, largo Cristina di Svezia, 23 A - 24 

Project presentation: Aranciera conference room, Saturday, May 13, from 11 AM. 

Guided tour of the exhibition and opening: Saturday, May 13, from 12:00 PM.  

Free entrance, reservation at is mandatory   

The botanical atlas and the exhibition in Rome: concept and credits  

The atlas "Iter in natura urbis" aims to raise awareness among visitors of the Botanic Garden Museum of Rome, Polo Museale Sapienza. It tells more about the plants' abilities to absorb carbon dioxide and emphasises their role in the struggle against climate change. NABA students took part in a visual design workshop curated by Gianluca Folì (illustrator). Here, they created a series of visual interpretations to identify features of different purifying tree species. Placed near the depicted plants, these boards will guide visitors through the exhibition. Thanks to a QR code that links to the digital version of “Iter in natura urbis", it will be possible to view illustrations and descriptions of each specimen. "Seeds of Art" will also be an opportunity to discover the communication and divulgation materials by Rome campus students of the MA in Visual Design and Integrated Marketing Communication. The visual identity tells more about the collaboration between NABA and the Botanic Garden Museum of Rome, Polo Museale Sapienza. 

During the initiative, will take the floor: Silvia Simoncelli (NABA Roma Head of Education), Patrizia Moschella (Communication and Graphic Design Area Leader), Fabio Attorre (Director – Botanic Garden Museum of Rome, President - Polo Museale Sapienza), Grazia Francescato (Environmental Leader, journalist and writer). 

Project coordinators NABA Rome campus: Assunta Squitieri (BA in Graphic Design and Art Direction Advisor Leader at the Rome campus); Alessio Natale Ferri (NABA lecturer), Serena Ciriello (Advisor Leader of the MA in Communication and Graphic Design of the Rome campus) and Gianluca Folì. 

Project coordinators Botanic Garden Museum of Rome, Polo Museale Sapienza: Caterina Giovinazzo (curator of Biological Area Museums); Flavio Tarquini (botanist and referent), Andrea Bonito (botanist and technician). 

Project development: Rome campus students of the BA Program in Graphic Design and Art Direction. Art direction by Assunta Squitieri, Alessio Natale Ferri. Support of Andrea Bonito, Caterina Giovinazzo and Flavio Tarquini.  

Visual Identity supervision: Serena Ciriello, Francesca Uttaro (NABA lecturer) and Fabrizia Greco (NABA lecturer).