The award ceremony for the winning projects of the 2021 edition of the "3W - Web Webinar Work" competition of ideas was held on October 13th at Kilometro Rosso Innovation District in Bergamo, one of the most original and appreciated initiatives in Italy in the field competitions for ideas aimed at university academies.
Now in its third edition, the Contest has once again solicited the creativity of young people on highly topical issues in the relationship between the world of business and communication. In this 2021 edition, participants were asked to engage on a topic that is at the center of the techno-humanistic debate: how to help research centers, science and technology, to communicate better, both with the realities of their sector, with students and the general public.
Congratulations to the students who of the third year of the BA in Graphic Design and Art Direction, Anita Carpinteri, Giulia Germani, Simona Manzoli, Andrea Protti and Luca Spinelli who ranked first among the projects presented for the FAE company Technology Hub.
To give credit and testimony to the great commitment of the students, the tutors of the Competition have also decided in this 2021 edition to create a real book dedicated to their creativity.
The contents of the volume are also available on the official website of the Competition.