NABA Communication and Graphic Design Area and Triennale Milano present “The Magazine as world Design”, the panel that on June 30th at 7.30 pm will propose, as part of Triennale Estate schedule, the projects realised by the students of the second year of NABA MA in Communication Design.

The talk will revolve around the results of the Magazine design lab, within the Art direction course of the MA in Communication Design (that evolved in the MA in Visual Design and Integrated Marketing during A.Y. 2020/21), form an idea of the lecturers of the Art direction course Roberto Maria Clemente, Creative Director of FIONDA, and philosopher Leonardo Caffo, and promoted by Fabio Pelagalli, NABA Course Leader of the MA in Visual Design and Integrated Marketing Communication and in User Experience Design.

Roberto Maria Clemente and Fabio Pelagalli as well as Guido Tattoni, NABA Dean, Patrizia Moschella, NABA Communication and Graphic Design Area Leader, and the Art Directors who guided the students during the year, will take part in the panel that will be moderated by Leonardo Caffo.

The laboratory, is a unique educational event of its kind in the Italian academic panorama, and represented an educational path that, combining content and form to give life to a real artistic experience, offered new horizons of development in the field of editorial graphics.

More than 70 students (Italian and international) were involved in the creation of 7 different magazines and as many digital storytelling projects. A dozen participants among the most talented Italian art directors passionately supported the various groups of students: Luca Pitoni and Davide Di Gennaro (TOMOTOMO), Francesca Pignataro (RVM), Luca Caizzi (C41) with Studio OCH, Cosimo Bizzarri and Matteo De Mayda, Davide Coppo (Rivista Studio) and Vincenzo Angileri.

The uniqueness of this path and the originality of the graphic proposals that were created within it represent, on one hand, the need for a contemporary discourse on the evolution of Visual Design and storytelling applied to traditional but vital devices, together with digital stories. On the other, it represents a starting point for new designers of a creative tool as articulated as a magazine, which still today constitutes the best possible portfolio for entering the real market.

The Magazine as world Design
June 30th, 7.30 pm
Triennale Milano, Giardino Giancarlo De Carlo