The Communication and Graphic Design Area concretely meets the continuously evolving needs of the communication field.

Oriented towards innovation and evolution in technologies and descriptive techniques, this Area integrates the academic approach with the experimentation of technologies and visual languages, offering broad and cross-discipline knowledge through the different study levels of the Bachelors of Arts, Masters of Arts and Academic Master programmes.

The students have the opportunity to acquire sound knowledge that will guide them into the communication and marketing world, through the understanding of all crucial elements of graphic design as well as the development of technical, creative, and analytical skills.

The methodology summarises the marketing and artistic-expressive approach, theoretical activities and creative labs, thus allowing the students to decipher all elements and languages of communication, as well as their contemporary cultural and imaginary contexts, to generate actual communication outcomes.

All Communication and Graphic Design Area courses are under the patronage of Art Directors Club Italiano.

Bachelor of Arts in

Graphic Design and Art Direction

The BA introduces the students to the world of communication and new media combining interdisciplinary and theoretical approach and creative labs in the various fields of: graphic design, advertising, publishing, digital media with 3D and motion graphics.

Master of Arts in

Visual Design and Integrated Marketing Communication

The MA combines the marketing and integrated communication approach to a wide range of artistic-expressive competences by working on real briefs and undertaking all the phases of complex communication projects.

Bachelor of Arts in

Comics and Visual Storytelling

The BA prepares future comics illustrators, graphic novelists and visual artists providing them with the necessary skills to create engaging stories and develop their own style.


User Experience Design

The MA provides the theoretical, technical and methodological skills for the design of complex digital communication systems, dealing with the study of digital interfaces focusing on user study of digital interfaces focusing on user experience (UX/UI) and information architecture.

Academic Master in

Creative Advertising

By alternating theoretical teachings to workshops with leading companies in the field, the Master provides the students with the chance to develop their talents in copywriting, storytelling and art direction, ideate campaigns across various types of media and participate in prestigious international creative competitions.

Academic Master in

Sustainable Innovation Communication

The Master explores theories, methods and design approaches to contemporary communication through an intensive programme by developing a crossdisciplinary approach, cultural analysis and focusing on new languages pertinent to the sustainable innovation of institutions, and public and private companies.


Luxury Brand Management

The Academic Master offers an immersive educational experience, equipping students with the tools and expertise to design and manage innovative strategies that enhance the identity and positioning of luxury brands.

Our Faculty

Design and Applied Arts Department Head

Luca Poncellini

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Design and Applied Arts Department Head

Luca Poncellini

Design and Applied Arts Department Head

Luca Poncellini is an architect and a designer with a PhD in the History of Architecture and City Planning. As a partner in the architecture office Cliostraat until 2009, he has curated projects and has lectured in Italy and in several countries throughout the world. His works have been exhibited at the Venice Biennale, at the Van Alen Institute in New York, at ETH in Zürich, at MAGA in Gallarate and at Triennale Milano. In 2008 he co-curated the retrospective exhibition Laszlo Hudec, in collaboration with the Hungarian Consulate in Shanghai. Since 2013 he has been the Course Leader of the MA in Interior Design. Between 2015 and 2019 directed the research lab and the project C-Park. Since 2019 he has been Design and Applied Arts Department Head.

Communication and Graphic Design Area Leader

Patrizia Moschella

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Communication and Graphic Design Area Leader

Patrizia Moschella

Sociologist of Cultural Processes, she graduated at Università Statale di Milano and has a PhD in Philosophy of Knowledge from the Planetary Collegium, Plymouth University (UK). She has collaborated with international research institutes (Università Statale di Milano, Eurisko, Doxa, RQ Qualitative Research, Synergia) and she participate in several interdisciplinary and interuniversity platforms for socio-cultural communication projects in collaboration with associations and institutions (Libera, Assessorato alle politiche sociali di Milano). Among her most recent publications: “Genealogia e Università. Profezia, Scenario, Utopia”, in A. Bianchi, G. Leghissa (edited by), Mondi altri (Mimesis, 2016). She has collaborated since 2004 with NABA, where she directs the Communication and Graphic Design Area and the BA in Graphic Design and Art, and she teaches Methodology of Research, Sociology of Cultural Processes and Future Scenarios (Brand Design specialisation).

Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design and Art Direction Course Leader - Milan

Samuel Mathias Zitelli

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Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design and Art Direction Course Leader - Milan

Samuel Mathias Zitelli

Graphic designer and art director, after completing his studies in Milan, he begins to collaborate with various communication agencies, developing a passion for the world of brand and corporate image that becomes his specialisation. This passion led him to his professional experiences in and for communication and marketing departments of big national and multinational companies such as GLS, Salmoiraghi & Viganò, Marcegaglia. He has been working in NABA since 2021 as Course Leader of the BA in Graphic Design and Art Direction and as lecturer of the Computer graphic course.

BA in Graphic Design and Art Direction Course Leader - Rome

Dionigi Mattia Gagliardi

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BA in Graphic Design and Art Direction Course Leader - Rome

Dionigi Mattia Gagliardi

Artist and researcher. In 2011 he founded Numero Cromatico, an art collective, research center and publishing house. He is also Editor-in-Chief of Nodes Journal (ISSN 2281-1168), an international research and experimentation magazine on the relationship between art and neuroscience. For years he has been promoting a scientific approach to art and design, carrying out research in the field of experimental aesthetics and neuroaesthetics. His collaborations with international research centers are numerous and he has published many articles and paper internationally. He is also a member of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics and the scientific committee of Rivista di Psicologia dell'Arte (ISSN 0393-9898). Since 2016 he has been teaching in academies and he is currently lecturer at NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti and Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma.

Masters of Arts in Visual Design and Integrated Marketing Communication and in User Experience Design Course Leader

Fabio Pelagalli

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Masters of Arts in Visual Design and Integrated Marketing Communication and in User Experience Design Course Leader

Fabio Pelagalli

With a degree in Communication Sciences from the University of Trieste, Fabio Pelagalli attended the Master in Digital Environment Design at NABA. He has been working at NABA since 2010, first as Academic Coordinator of NABA Communication and Graphic Design Area, then as Course Leader of the Academic Master in Creative Advertising. He has taught Software Art and Interactive System and Design Thinking at academic levels.

Academic Master in Creative Advertising Course Leader

Sara Buluggiu

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Academic Master in Creative Advertising Course Leader

Sara Buluggiu

Sara Buluggiu, at the forefront of the digital media avant-garde in Italy since 56k modems were used for connection to the web, she can claim a long agency career in the main worldwide brands, including Publicis and Aegis. She has been working on Programmatic Advertising since 2011 and was effectively one of the first in Italy to talk about this new way of acquiring spaces and, as a consequence, has become a recognized expert throughout Europe. She has taught media studies since 2014 in the most important Italian business schools, collaborated with NABA since 2016 and, in 2019, took over the direction of its Master in Creative Advertising.

Bachelor of Arts in Comics and Visual Storytelling Subject Leader - Milan

Giulia Conti

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Bachelor of Arts in Comics and Visual Storytelling Subject Leader - Milan

Giulia Conti

Trained as a comic book scriptwriter at Disney and in Animation/Cinema at RAI, she has worked for over twenty years in children's publishing, turning insights and executive briefs into globally successful products: comics, books, magazines, and marketing plans. She has held roles as a screenwriter, author, marketing strategist, translator, Global Executive Editor, and Creative Director. She has even chased ghosts with a TV crew. As a Creative Director, she has led teams of editors, writers, artists, and designers based in Italy and abroad. As a content strategist, she has directed product development and editorial strategy for children's publishing on a global scale, working with international publishers to build iconic brands through children's characters. She has written comics for characters from Disney, Mattel, Zagtoon-Method, and many others. And she continues to do so.

Bachelor of Arts in Comics and Visual Storytelling Course Leader - Rome

Alessio Trabacchini

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Bachelor of Arts in Comics and Visual Storytelling Course Leader - Rome

Alessio Trabacchini

Critic, editor and curator, mainly for comics. Currently an editor at Coconino Press - Fandango, he has previously worked for the publishing houses Coniglio Editore, NPE, Castelvecchi and 001 Edizioni. He has collaborated with several other italian publishers and magazines. For the organization Hamelin Associazione Culturale, he has curated events and catalogues, and was one of the organisers of the Bologna International Comics Festival BilBOlbul. He is the co-director of Baba Jaga Fest - Stories and drawings from the Eastern Europe, based in Rome. He began working as a lecturer at NABA campus in Rome in 2021, same campus where he is now the Course Leader of the BA in Comics and Visual Storytelling. He collaborates as a lecturer and curator with ACCA Academy (Jesi - Rome) and holds lectures and workshops at several public and private Academies.

Masters of Arts in Visual Design and Integrated Marketing Communication and in User Experience Design Course Leader - Rome

Serena Ciriello

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Masters of Arts in Visual Design and Integrated Marketing Communication and in User Experience Design Course Leader - Rome

Serena Ciriello

She arrives in communication after various experiences, including a Master in Buying Management at Polimoda in Florence and a Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures. Initially Copywriter, she specializes in strategic thinking. Works in agencies such as Ogilvy, in international contexts such as Spark44 Frankfurt and in independent studios such as Humus Design, where is Brand & Verbal Identity Strategist since 2018. She has been teaching at NABA Campus in Rome since 2019.

NABA Communication and Graphic Design Advisor

Angelo Colella

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NABA Communication and Graphic Design Advisor

Angelo Colella

Graphic and Type Designer, he worked on art and design exhibitions with Gianni Colombo, Emilio Isgrò, Lucio Del Pezzo, Gabriele Basilico, Marcello Morandini, and Christoph Broadbent. He designed and coordinated brand identity for many companies as Fiam Italia, Gualtiero Marchesi, Société Genéralé, PPG Univer, Archema, Poliform, he also was the responsible of the Prague International Marathon image and Czech Federation Basketball image. He worked as Creative Design Director for important international companies as Publicis, Republic Lab, Ebs Design, Arnold World Wide (Havas Group), Milano AD (Carpe Diem Group). He is associated with ADI PDA and Type Director Club of New York. He collaborated with NABA since the Academy foundation, at first as lecturer of Graphic Design, then as Director of Communication and Graphic Design Department.

Alumni Stories



Communication and Graphic Design

«NABA has allowed me to explore and refine my creative skills by applying them to the world of communication and art direction. In a way, it has developed the creative background that accompanies me every day as an art director. Not only has it strengthened my passion, but it has also fed it with stimuli and new challenges from a professional point of view, also thanks to professional teachers and to the variety of people I met during my studies».

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Undergraduate Communication and Graphic Design



«NABA has allowed me to explore and refine my creative skills by applying them to the world of communication and art direction. In a way, it has developed the creative background that accompanies me every day as an art director. Not only has it strengthened my passion, but it has also fed it with stimuli and new challenges from a professional point of view, also thanks to professional teachers and to the variety of people I met during my studies».